HL Deb 06 May 1833 vol 17 c960
Lord Lyndhurst

presented a Petition from the inhabitants of Wimbledon, complaining that the Tithes of their parish belonged to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester; that the Curacy, which was a very old one, was worth only 40l. a-year; and that it had never been increased, though the tithes had gone on increasing till they were of a very considerable amount. The petitioners also stated that the Dean and Chapter had suffered the Rectory House to go to ruin, and the Curate was obliged to hire lodgings at a considerable expense. The noble Lord said, he had no knowledge of these circumstances himself, but the petition was signed by some very respectable men, and, therefore, he thought it his duty to present it.

The Bishop of Rochester

was not aware that the noble and learned Lord meant to present the petition today, or he would have come fully prepared to state the particulars of the case. However, what he knew on the subject would, he hoped, satisfy their Lordships, that the Dean and Chapter were not to blame in this matter. The fact was, they did not get a farthing of the tithes in question. They were, it was true, the property of the Chapter, but they had been let to a noble Lord, a Member of that House (Earl Spencer) and his family for upwards of a 100 years. All that the Dean and Chapter got was a quit rent of 40l. a-year. At the same time it was not correct to say, that there was one curate with 40l. a-year; there were two curates, and each had 40l. a-year. He had been a member of the Chapter of Worcester for five years and had never received one farthing from the tithes of Wimbledon; whatever money was received was expended on the repairs of the Cathedral. The property was let on a lease of lives, and till the lives fell in, the Dean and Chapter could make no alteration.

Petition laid on the Table.

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