HL Deb 11 June 1833 vol 18 c554
The Lord Chancellor,

in moving the second reading of the Local Jurisdiction Bill, stated, that as he had received a communication through his noble and learned friend (the Earl of Eldon), whom he did not then see in his place, informing him that it was not the intention of those who look an interest in the question, and who had doubts (he believed they were but doubts) as to the principle of his measure, to offer any opposition to his Motion, on the understanding that it would be competent for them at a future period to slate objections to its principles as well as its details, he would, on the present occasion, abstain from troubling their Lordships with any observation. Following the example, however, of his noble friend, he begged to reserve to himself the right, when the Bill went into Committee, should he deem it expedient, of occupying a portion of their Lordships' attention in pressing upon their consideration the principle of the Bill. The noble and learned Lord concluded by moving the second reading of the Bill.

Lord Lyndhurst

did not rise to oppose the Motion, but simply to reserve for himself, and for his noble and learned friends, the right, when going into Committee, of discussing the principle, on which, he begged to observe, he entertained very strong opinions as well as on the details of the Bill.

The Bill was read a second time.

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