HL Deb 28 August 1833 vol 20 c894

Paper ordered. On the Motion of the LORD CHANCELLOR, the Number of Offices in the Court of Chancery, which have been Abolished during the years 1831, 1831, and 1835.

Bills The Royal Consent was given by Commission to the following Bills:—Customs' Acts' Repeal; Customs' Management; Customs' Regulation: Smuggling; Navigation; Registry of Vessels; Customs' Duties; Warehousing; Customs Bounties; British Possessions; Isle of Man Trade; Disembodied Militia; East-India Company's Charter; China Trade Slavery Abolition; Slave Trade Conventions; Buckingham Palace Furniture; Stage Carriages Act Amendment; Spirite, Wine, and Beer Licenses (Ireland); Grand Juries (Ireland); Cholera Prevention; Juries (Ireland); Quakers' Affirmation; Separatists' Affirmation; Chancery Offices Regulation; Bankruptcy Judges; Commissioners of Lunacy; Uniformity of Process; Fines and Recoveries; Notaries Public; Bank Notes; Stamp Duties; Composition; Court of Chancery; Civil List Charges; Sugar Refining; Assizes Removal; Parish Apprenticeship; Metropolitan Police; Land-Tax Commissioners' Names; Merchant Seamen's Wages; Infirmaries (Ireland); Trial of Offences (Ireland); Land Revenue (Scotland); Burghs Magistrates (Scotland); Royal Burghs (Scotland); Turnpike Road Accounts; Lighting and Watching; Inclosure Acts Awards; London Scavage and Package; Thames Tunnel; Woolwich Lands.—Read a third time:—Tithes Arrear (Ireland); Consolidated Fund; Edinburgh Community; Estates; Church Building; Stamps Forgeries.

Petitions presented. By the LORD CHANCELLOR. Lord AUCKLAND, and Lord WESTERN, from a great Number of Places to be relieved from Tithes Suits.—By the LORD CHANCELLOR, from thirty-four Places in Scotland, for an Alteration in the System of Lay Patronage; also from several Places, in favour of the Local Jurisdiction Bill; from Brechin, for the Establishment of Local Schools; from the Ward of Vintry, London, for the Repeal of the House and Window Tax; from the Protestant Dissenters of Swanage, for Relief; from several Places, for the Removal of the Civil Disabilities of the Jews; from Wakefield, &c., against the Scotch and Irish Vagrant Bill; from the Scnatus Academicus of Edinburgh, against the Apothe- caries Act; from Glasgow, to Extend the Sheriff's Jurisdiction to Bankruptcy; three Petitions from Cupar, for different Legal Objects; and from Kingley, in favour of the Factories' Regulation Bill.