HL Deb 08 March 1831 vol 3 c177
The Lord Chancellor

stated that he had in his hand a Petition from the Lord Mayor and Citizens of London, in Common Hall assembled, on the subject of Parliamentary Reform, which at present engrossed the attention of all classes of his Majesty's subjects. The only reason that occurred to him for the honour which had been done to him by being intrusted with the presenting to their Lordships the Petition of this great Corporation was, that he was himself a freeman of that Corporation. The petitioners expressed their strongest approbation of the measure of Reform brought before the other House of Parliament by his Majesty's Ministers, and prayed, that when it came into their Lordships' House, they would give it their most favourable consideration. The noble Lord said, he had another Petition on the same subject to present from the Students-at-Law, and those practising under the Bar in the Four Inns of Court, praying that their Lordships would take the measure into their favourable consideration. The Petition was very numerously signed; and the gentlemen who signed it were generally studious men, and little concerned in the ordinary business of the world.