HL Deb 03 August 1831 vol 5 cc644-5

Earl Grey moved the Order of the Day for taking into consideration his Majesty's Message relative to the making an additional provision for the Duchess of Kent and the Princess Victoria.

The Message was read; for which see ante p. 584.

Earl Grey

said, their Lordships having heard this recommendation of his Majesty to make a further provision for her royal highness, the Duchess of Kent, and for the maintenance and support of the honour and dignity of her royal daughter the Princess Alexandria Victoria, he was not aware, that it was necessary for him to say any thing in support of that recommendation. He was persuaded, that their Lordships would be fully sensible of the propriety of making an augmented provision for her royal highness the Duchess of Kent, when it was considered that she was the mother of the presumptive heiress to the Crown; and he was also persuaded, that their Lordships would feel the propriety of making a further provision for the education and for the maintenance and support of the honour and dignity of her royal highness the Princess Victoria, when it was considered that she would, in all probability, be the future Sovereign of this empire. It was, indeed, of the last importance, that ample provision should be made for the support of the honour and dignity of the Princess, and for giving her the best possible education, so as to prepare her for the adequate execution of those high and important duties which she might some time be called upon to perform. If it were proper to mention any personal considerations as reasons to induce their Lordships to give effect to the object of his Majesty's Message, he might say, that the Duchess of Kent had per- formed her duties in the most admirable manner, both as a wife and a mother, and had conducted the education of the Princess her daughter upon the most enlightened views and principles, and with the most praiseworthy assiduity. As for the amount of the grant, that was a matter to be settled by the other House; and when the matter should come again before their Lordships, in the shape of a bill brought up from the other House, it would be for their Lordships to say whether it, was sufficient. For the present, he would conclude by moving, "That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, thanking his Majesty for his most gracious Message, and assuring his Majesty, that this House, gladly embracing every opportunity of showing their respect and regard for his Majesty's person and family, would cheerfully concur in any measure for giving effect to the object of his Majesty's most gracious Message."

The Earl of Rosslyn and the Duke of Cumberland whispered something across the Table to Earl Grey.

Earl Grey

was now informed, that there was an inaccuracy in his Majesty's Message. As to that, he had only to say, in excuse for himself, that he had desired the Message to be prepared by the proper person in the usual way; that the Message bad been put in his hand in the usual way, and had been signed by his Majesty. He had, therefore, concluded that all was correct, according to the usual form; and whether it was, in fact, correct or not, he could not, of his own knowledge, pretend to say. But he was informed, that the Message was inaccurate, inasmuch as it did not designate the Princess Victoria as her "royal" highness. He supposed, however, that no one would say, that there was any thing intentionally derogatory to her royal highness, in withholding this title of respect.

The Address agreed to, and ordered, nemine dissentiente, to be presented to his Majesty.