HL Deb 22 May 1806 vol 7 c328
The Bishop of Killala

took the oaths and his seat.—The Irish Spirits warehousing bill was read a second time, and committed for the next day.—The Irish Debenture bill passed through a committee, and was reported.—The committee on Sir John Gordon's Divorce bill was postponed till that day three weeks.— The Lord Chancellor stated, that the cause of Graham of Gartmore, against Isabella, Countess of Glencairn, stood appointed for hearing; and that, as the respondent was his sister, he desired their lordship's permission to absent himself from the house during the discussion. His lordship then withdrew, and Lord Ellenborough called in the counsel, and heard Mr, Alexander for the appellant. The further consideration was then postponed till the next day.— The lord chancellor having resumed the woolsack, the Irish Butter bill was read a second time, and committed for the next day.—The Franking bill passed through a committee, and was reported.