HL Deb 13 May 1806 vol 7 c116

The house proceeded, as usual, to Westminster Hall. They returned soon after three, when an order was made to proceed further on the trial of lord viscount Melville to-morrow and a message was sent to the House of Commons to acquaint them therewith.—The order of the day on the Slave Importation Restriction bill was discharged, on the motion of the duke of Clarence and renewed for Friday.—The American Intercourse bill was read a third time and passed, and a message sent to the House of Commons to acquaint them therewith.—Strangers were for a short time excluded whilst the house discussed some matter of privilege. After our re-admission the earl of Westmoreland presented a petition from certain Merchants and traders of Manchester against the Slave Importation Restriction bill, which was ordered to lie on the table.—Strangers were again for a short time excluded. After our re-admission, the consideration of his majesty's message relative to earl Nelson was, on the. motion of lord Auckland, deferred till to-morrow.