HL Deb 24 April 1806 vol 6 c901
Lord Sheffield

said, that in his opinion the papers now on the table did not sufficiently explain the nature of the bill now before their lordships. He had therefore to move for several others, by which the object of the bill might be more fully and satisfactorily explained. His lordship then proceeded to move for a long string of papers respecting the number and tonnage of the vessels employed in that trade at different periods since 1797.

Lord Holland

observed, that the object the noble lord had in view might easily be ascertained from the papers already on the table. To prepare and produce the papers would, in his opinion, be only productive of much mischief. The papers, however, were granted; and lord Sheffield gave no- tice, that he should, on Tuesday next, move that the 2nd reading of the bill be deferred till Monday se'nnight.