HC Deb 08 November 1974 vol 880 cc1505-6

Ordered, That, during the proceedings on the Social Security Amendment Bill, Standing Committee A have leave to sit twice on Thursday 14th November.—[Mr. Walter Harrison.]

The House divided: Ayes 124, Noes 23.

Division No. 5.] AYES [4.15 p.m.
Abse, Leo Grant, John (Islington C.) Parry, Robert
Anderson, Donald Hamilton, W. W. (Central Fife) Peart, Rt Hon Fred
Armstrong, Ernest Hamling, William Pendry, Tom
Bagier, Gordon A. T. Harper, Joseph Price, C. (Lewisham W.)
Barnett, Guy (Greenwich) Harrison, Walter (Wakefield) Rees, Rt Hon Merlyn (Leeds S)
Bean, Robert E. Hayman, Mrs Helene Richardson, Miss Jo
Beith, A. J. Heffer, Eric S. Rodgers, George (Chorley)
Bennett, A. (Stockport North) Irvine, Rt. Hon Sir A. (L'pool) Rodgers, William (Teesside)
Bidwell, Sydney Irving, Rt Hon S. (Dartford) Rooker, J. W.
Booth, Albert Jay, Rt Hon Douglas Shaw, Arnold (Redbridge, Ilf)
Boothroyd, Miss Betty Jeger, Mrs Lena Shore, Rt Hon Peter
Bottomley, Rt Hon Arthur Johnson, James (Kingston W) Skinner, Dennis
Brown, Ronald (Hackney S) Jones, Barry (East Flint) Snape, Peter
Callaghan, Rt Hon J. (Cardiff S) Jones, Alec (Rhondda) Spearing, Nigel
Canavan, Dennis Judd, Frank Stallard, A. W.
Cartwright, John Kaufman, Gerald Stanbrook, Ivor
Clemitson, I. M. Kerr, Russell Stewart, Rt Hn M. (H'smith F)
Cocks, Michael (Bristol S) Kinnock, Neil Stoddart, David
Cohen, Stanley Lamborn, Harry Taylor, Mrs Ann (Bolton W)
Coleman, Donald Latham, Arthur (Paddington) Thomas, Ron (Bristol NW)
Corbett, Robin Lee, John Thorne, S. G. (Preston)
Cryer, G. R. Lipton, Marcus Thorpe, Rt Hon Jeremy (Devon)
Cunningham, G. (Islington S) Lomas, Kenneth Tierney, Sydney
Cunningham, Dr J. (Whiteh) Lyon, Alexander (York) Tomlinson, J.
Davies, Bryan (Enfield N) McCartney, Hugh Torney, Tom
Davies, Denzil (Llanelli) MacFarquhar, R. Townsend, Cyril D.
Davis, S. Clinton (Hackney C) McNamara, Kevin Urwin, T. W.
Dormand, Jack Madden, Max Wainwright, Edwin (Dearne V)
Douglas-Mann, Bruce Mallalieu, J. P. W. Walker, Harold (Doncaster)
Dunnett, Jack Marshall, Dr Edmund (Goole) Ward, Michael
Dykes, Hugh Maynard, Miss Joan Weitzman, David
Edge, Geoffrey Mellish, Rt Hon Robert White, Frank (Bury)
Edwards, Robert (Wolv SE) Mendelson, John Whitehead, Phillip
English, Michael Mikardo, Ian Willey, Rt Hon Frederick
Ennals, David Millan, Bruce Williams, Alan (Swansea)
Evans, Ioan L. (Aberdare) Miller, Mrs Millie (Redbridge) Williams, W. T. (Warrington)
Flannery, Martin Mulley, Rt Hon Frederick Wise, Mrs. Audrey
Fletcher, Raymond (Ilkeston) Newens, S. Woodall, A.
Fraser, John (Lambeth N) Noble, Mike
Freeson, Reginald O'Halloran, Michael TELLERS FOR THE AYES:
George, Bruce Ovenden, J. Mr. James A. Dunn and Mr. Thomas Cox.
Gilbert, Dr John Park, G.
Graham, Ted Parker, John
Bell, Ronald James, David Taylor, R. (Croydon N.W.)
Bennett, Sir Frederic (Torbay) Lloyd, Ian (Havant) Tebbit. Norman
Boyson, Dr Rhodes (Brent) Molyneaux, James Wall, Patrick
Brotherton, Michael Montgomery, Fergus Warren, Kenneth
Clark, Alan (Plymouth S) Powell, Rt Hon J. Enoch Wiggin, Jerry (Weston-s-Mare)
Clark, William (Croydon S) Ridley, Hon Nicholas
Emery, Peter Sims, Roger TELLERS FOR THE NOES:
Fell, Anthony Skeet, T. H. H. Mr. J. Biggs-Davison and
Goodhew, Victor Stokes, John Mr. S. Hastings.
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