HC Deb 16 March 1905 vol 143 cc216-9

Motion made, and Question put, "That the proceedings on the adjourned debate on the Motion relative to Business of the House (Supply, etc.), do have precedence over the Business of Supply this day."—(Mr. A. J. Balfour.)

The House divided:—Ayes, 271; Noes, 186. (Division List No. 54.)

Agg-Gardner, James Tynte Banbury, Sir Frederick George Campbell, Rt Hn J A (Glasgow)
Agnew, Sir Andrew Noel Barry, Sir Francis T. (Windsor) Campbell, J H M (Dublin Univ.)
Allhusen, Augustus Henry Eden Bartley, Sir George C. T. Carson, Rt. Hon. Sir Edw. H.
Allsopp, Hon. George Bathurat, Hon. Allen Benjamin Cavendish, V. C. W. (Derbysh.
Anson, Sir William Reynell Beckett, Ernest William Cayzer, Sir Charles William
Arkwright, John Stanhope Bentinck, Lord Henry C. Cecil, Evelyn (Aston Manor)
Arnold-Forster, Rt Hn Hugh O. Bhownaggree, Sir M. M. Cecil, Lord Hugh (Greenwich)
Arrol, Sir William Bignold, Sir Arthur Chamberlain, Rt Hn J A (Wore.
Aubrey-Fletcher, Rt Hn Sir H. Bigwood, James Chaplin, Rt. Hon. Henry
Bagot, Capt Josceline FitzRoy Bill, Charles Chapman, Edward
Bailey, James (Walworth) Bingham, Lord Clive, Captain Percy A.
Bain, Colonel James Robert Blundell, Colonel Henry Coates, Edward Feetham
Baird, John George Alexander Bond, Edward Cochrane, Hon. Thos. H. A. E.
Balcarres, Lord Boscawen, Arthur Griffith Cohen, Benjamin Louis
Baldwin, Alfred Boulnois, Edmund Collings, Rt. Hon. Jesse
Balfour, Rt Hn A. J. (Manch'r) Bousfield, William Robert Corbett, T. L. (Down, North)
Balfour, Capt. C. B (Hornsey) Brassey, Albert Cox, Irwin Edward Bainbridge
Balfour, Rt Hn G. W. (Leeds) Brodrick, Rt. Hon. St. John Craig, Charles Curtis (Antrim, S
Balfour, Kenneth R. (Christch) Burdett-Coutts, W. Cross, Alexander(Glasgow)
Cross, Herb. Shepherd (Bolton) Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse Randles, John S.
Crossley, Rt. Hon. Sir Savile Jeffreys, Rt. Hon. Arthur Fred. Rankin Sir James
Cubitt, Hon. Henry Jessel, Captain Herbert Merton Rasch, Sir Frederic Carne
Dalkeith, Earl of Kennaway, Rt. Hn. Sir John H Ratcliff, R. F.
Dalrymple, Sir Charles Kenyon, Hon Geo. T. (Denbigh) Reed, Sir Edw. James (Cardiff)
Davenport, William Bromley Kenyon-Slaney, Rt Hn. Col. W. Reid, James (Greenock)
Davies, Sir Horatio D. (Chatham) Kerr, John Remnant, James Farquharson
Denny, Colonel Keswick, William Renshaw, Sir Charles Bine
Dewar, Sir T R (Tower Hamlets Kimber, Sir Henry Renwick, George
Dickson, Charles Scott King, Sir Henry Seymour Ridley, S. Forde
Dimsdale, Rt Hn. Sir Joseph C. Knowles, Sir Lees Roberts, Samuel (Sheffield)
Disraeli, Coningsby Ralph Lambton, Hon. Frederick Wm. Robertson, Herbert (Hackney
Dixon-Hartland, Sir Fred Dixon Laurie, Lieut. -General Rolleston, Sir John F. L.
Dorington, Rt. Hn. Sir John E. Law, Andrew Bonar (Glasgow) Rollit, Sir Albert Kaye
Doughty, Sir George Lawrence, Wm F. (Liverpool) Ropner, Colonel Sir Robert
Douglas, Rt. Hon. A. Akers Lawson, Hn. H L W (Mile End) Round, Rt. Hon. James
Doxford, Sir William Theodore Lawson, John Grant (Yorks N R) Rutherford, John (Lancashire)
Dyke, Rt Hn. Sir William Hart Lee, Arthur H (Hants Fareham) Rutherford, W. W. (Liverpool)
Egerton, Hon. A. de Tatton. Lees, Sir Elliott (Birkenhead) Sadler, Col. Samuel Alexander
Faber, Edmund B. (Hants, W.) Legge, Col. Hon. Heneage Samuel, Sir Harry S (Limehouse
Fardell, Sir T. George Leveson-Gower, Frederick N S Sandys, Lieut-Col Thos. Myles
Fellowes, Hon. Ailwyn Edward Llewellyn, Evan Henry Scott, Sir S. (Marylebone, W.)
Fergusson, Rt Hn Sir J. (Manc'r Loder, Gerald Walter Erskine Seton-Karr, Sir Henry
Fielden, Edward Brocklehurst Long, Col. Charles W (Evesham Sharpe, William Edward T.
Finch, Rt. Hon. George H. Lonsdale, John Brownlee Simeon, Sir Barrington
Finlay, Sir R B (Inv'rn'ss B'ghs) Lowe, Francis William Sinclair, Louis (Romford)
Fisher, William Hayes Lowther, C. (Cumb., Eskdale) Skewes-Cox, Thomas
Fison, Frederick William Loyd, Archie Kirkman Sloan, Thomas Henry
Fitzroy, Hon. Edward Algernon Lucas, Col. Francis(Lowestoft) Smith, Abel H (Hertford, East)
Flannery, Sir Fortescue Lucas, Reginald J (Portsmouth) Smith, H C (North'mb. Tyneside)
Flower, Sir Ernest Lyttelton, Rt. Hon. Alfred Smith, Rt Hn J Parker (Lanarks)
Forster, Henry William Macdona, John Cumming Smith, Hon. W. F. D. (Strand)
Foster, Philip S (Warwick, S. W.) MacIver, David (Liverpool) Spear, John Ward
Galloway, William Johnson Maconochie, A. W. Stanley, Hn. Arthur (Ormskirk)
Gardner, Ernest M'Calmont, Colonel James Stanley, Rt Hn. Lord (Lancs.)
Garfit, William Majendie, James A. H. Stock, James Henry
Gibbs, Hon. A. G. H. Malcolm, Ian Stone, Sir Benjamin
Godson, Sir Augustus Frederick Manners, Lord Cecil Stroyan, John
Gordon, Hn J E (Elgin & Nairn) Marks, Harry Hananel Strutt, Hon. Charles Hedley
Gordon, Maj. Evans (T'rH'mlts) Martin, Richard Biddulph Talbot, Lord E. (Chichester)
Gore, Hon. S. F. Ormsby Maxwell, Rt Hn Sir H E (Wigt'n) Thorburn, Sir Walter
Gorst, Rt. Hon. Sir John Eldon Maxwell, W. J. H. (Dumfrieshire) Thornton, Percy M.
Goulding, Edward Alfred Mildmay, Francis Bingham Tollemache, Henry James
Graham, Henry Robert Milner, Rt. Hn. Sir Frederick G Tomlinson, Sir Wm. Edw. M.
Gray, Ernest(West Ham) Milvain, Thomas Tritton, Charles Ernest
Green, Walford D. (Wednesbury) Mitchell, William (Burnley) Tuff, Charles
Greene, Sir E W (B'ry SEdm'nds) Molesworth, Sir Lewis Tuke, Sir John Batty
Greene, Henry D (Shrewsbury) Montagu, Hn. J Scott (Hants) Turnour, Viscount
Grenfell, William Henry Moon, Edward Robert Pacy Vincent, Col Sir C E H(Sheffield)
Guthrie, Walter Murray Morpeth, Viscount Walker, Col. William Hall
Hain, Edward Morrell, George Herbert Walrond, Rt Hn Sir William H.
Halsey, Rt Hon. Thomas F. Morrison, James Archibald Wanklyn, James Leslie
Hamilton, Rt Hn Lord G (Midd'x) Morton, Arthur H. Aylmer Warde, Colonel C. E.
Hamilton, Marq. Of (L'nd'nderry) Mowbray, Sir Robert Gray C. Webb, Colonel William George
Hare, Thomas Leigh Muntz, Sir Philip A. Welby, Lt. Col A C E(Taunton)
Harris, F. Leverton (Tynem'th) Murray, Charles J. (Coventry) Welby, Sir Charles G E(Notts.)
Haslam, Sir Alfred S. Murray, Col. Wyndham (Bath) Wentworth, Bruce C. Vernon
Hay, Hon. Claude George Nicholson, William Graham Wharton, Rt. Hon. John Lloyd
Heath, Arthur Howard (Hanley) Palmer, Sir Walter (Salisbury) Whiteley, H (Ashton undLyne)
Heath, Sir James (Staffords, N W) Parker, Sir Gilbert Williams, Colonel R. (Dorset)
Helder, Augustus Parkes, Ebenezer Willoughby de Eresby, Lord
Hermon-Hodge, Sir Robert T. Peel, Hn Wm Robert Wellesley Wilson, John (Glasgow)
Hickman, Sir Alfred Pemberton, John S. G. Wilson-Todd, Sir W H (Yorks.)
Hogg, Lindsay Percy, Earl Worsley-Taylor, Henry Wilson
Hope, J F (Sheffield, Brightside) Pilkington, Colonel Richard Wortley, Rt. Hn. C. B. Stuart
Hornby, Sir William Henry Platt-Higgins, Frederick Wrightson, Sir Thomas
Horner, Frederick William Plummer, Sir Walter R. Wylie, Alexander
Hoult, Joseph Powell, Sir Francis Sharp Yerburgh, Robert Armstrong
Howard, J. (Midd., Tottenham) Pretyman, Ernest George
Hozier, Hon. James Henry Cecil Pryce-Jones, Lt. -Col. Edward TELLERS FOR THE AYES—Sir
Hudson, George Bickersteth Purvis, Robert Alexander Acland-Hood and
Hunt, Rowland Pym, C. Guy Viscount Valentia.
Hutton, John (Yorks., N. R.) Quilter, Sir Cuthbert
Abraham, William (Cork, N. E.) Grey, Rt Hn. Sir E. (Berwick) Rea, Russell
Abraham, William (Rhondda) Griffith, Ellis J. Reckitt, Harold James
Ainsworth, John Stirling Gurdon, Sir W. Brampton Reddy, M.
Allen, Charles P. Hayter, Rt. Hn. Sir Arthur D. Redmond, John E. (Waterford)
Ambrose, Robert Helme, Norval Watson Richards, Thomas (W Monm'th)
Ashton, Thomas Gair Hemphill, Rt. Hon. Charles H. Rickett, J. Compton
Asquith, Rt. Hn. Herb. Henry Henderson, Arthur (Durham) Roberts, John H. (Denbighs.)
Atherley-Jones, L. Higham, John Sharpe Robertson, Edmund(Dundee)
Barlow, John Emmott Holland, Sir William Henry Robson, William Snowdon
Barran, Rowland Hirst Horniman, Frederick John Roche, John
Beaumont, Wentworth C. B. Hutton, Alfred E. (Morley) Roe, Sir Thomas
Benn, John Williams Jacoby, James Alfred Rose, Charles Day
Black, Alexander William Johnson, John Runciman, Walter
Blake, Edward Joicey, Sir James Russell, T. W.
Boland, John Jones, David Brynmor (Swansea) Samuel, Herbert L (Cleveland)
Brigg, John Jones, Leif (Appleby) Schwann, Charles E.
Bright, Allan Heywood Jones, William (Carnarvonshire) Scott, Chas. Prestwich (Leigh)
Broadhurst, Henry Jordan, Jeremiah Shackleton, David James
Brown, George M (Edinburgh) Kilbride, Denis Shaw, Thomas (Hawick B.)
Brunner, Sir John Tomlinson Kitson, Sir James Shipman, Dr. John G.
Bryce, R. Hon. James Labouchere, Henry Sinclair, John (Forfarshire)
Buchanan, Thomas Ryburn Lambert, George Slack, John Bamford
Burke, E. Haviland Lamont, Norman Smith, Samuel(Flint)
Burns, John Langley, Batty Soames, Arthur Wellesley
Buxton, Sydney Charles Lawson, Sir Wilfrid (Cornwall) Soares, Ernest J.
Caldwell, James Layland-Barratt, Francis Spencer, Rt Hn C R (Northants)
Cameron, Robert Leese, Sir Joseph F (Accrington) Stevenson, Francis S.
Campbell, John(Armagh, S.) Levy, Maurice Strachey, Sir Edward
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H. Lewis, John Herbert Sullivan, Donal
Cawley, Frederick Lloyd-George, David Taylor, Theodore C. (Radcliffe)
Channing, Francis Allston Lough, Thomas Tennant, Harold John
Cheetham, John Frederick Lundon, W. Thomas, Sir A (Glamorgan, E.)
Churchill, Winston Spencer Lyell, Charles Henry Thomas, David Alfred (Merthyr)
Clancy, John Joseph Macnamara, Dr. Thomas J. Thomson, F. W. (York, W. R.)
Condon, Thomas Joseph MacNeill, John Gordon Swift Tomkinson, James
Craig, Robert Hunter (Lanark) M'Arthur, William (Cornwall) Toulmin, George
Crean, Eugene M'Crae, George Trevelyan, Charles Philips
Cremer, William Randal M'Kenna, Reginald Waldron, Laurence Ambrose
Crombie, John William Markham, Arthur Basil Wallace, Robert
Crooks, William Mitchell, Edw. (Fermanagh, N.) Walton, Joseph (Barnsley)
Dalziel, James Henry Mooney, John J. Warner, Thomas Courtenay T.
Davies, Alfred (Carmarthen) Morley, Rt. Hn. John (Montrose) Wason, Eugene(Clackmannan)
Davies, M. Vaughan (Cardigan) Moss, Samuel Wason, John Cathcart (Orkney)
Delany, William Moulton, John Fletcher Weir, James Galloway
Dilke, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Murphy, John White, George (Norfolk)
Doogan, P. C. Nannetti, Joseph P. White, Luke (York, E. R.)
Douglas, Charles M. (Lanark) Newnes, Sir George White, Patrick (Meath, North)
Duffy, William J. Nolan, Joseph (Louth, South) Whiteley, George (York, W. R.)
Duncan, J. Hastings Norman, Henry Whitley, J. H. (Halifax)
Dunn, Sir William Norton, Capt. Cecil William Williams, Osmond (Merioneth)
Edwards, Frank Nussey, Thomas Willans Wills, Sir Frederick (Bristol, N.)
Ellice, Capt E C (S Andrw's Bghs) O'Brien, Kendal (Tipperary, Mid) Wilson, Fred. W. (Norfolk, Mid.
Ellis, John Edward (Notts.) O'Brien, Patrick (Kilkenny) Wilson, John (Durham, Mid.)
Emmott, Alfred O'Connor, James (Wicklow, W.) Wilson, John (Falkirk)
Esmonde, Sir Thomas O'Connor, John (Kildare, N.) Wilson, J. W. (Worcestersh. N.)
Fenwick, Charles O'Kelly, Conor (Mayo, N.) Woodhouse, Sir J T (Huddersf'd
Ferguson, R. C. Munro (Leith) O'Kelly, James (Roscommon, N) Young, Samuel
Findlay, Alexander (Lanark, N E) O'Mara, James Yoxall, James Henry
Flavin, Michael Joseph Parrott, William
Fowler, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry Partington, Oswald TELLERS FOR THE NOES—Mr.
Freeman-Thomas, Captain F. Paulton, James Mellor Herbert Gladstone and Mr.
Furness, Sir Christopher Pease, J. A. (Saffron Walden) Causton.
Goddard, Daniel Ford Pirie, Duncan V.
Grant, Corrie Priestley, Arthur