HC Deb 13 May 1872 vol 211 c649

SELECT COMMITTEE—Second Report—Public Accounts [No. 198].

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution [May 9] reported—Ordered—Colonial Governors [Pensions]*.

Ordered—First Reading—Public Health (Scotland) Supplemental* [162]; Local Government Supplemental (No. 2) and Act (No. 2, 1864) Amendment* [163]; Limited Owners Residence Law Amendment* [165]; Clerks of the Peace and Justices Clerks' Salaries and Fees* [164]; Elementary Education Act (1870) Amendment* [168]; Union Officers (Ireland) Superannuation* [166]; Charitable Loan Societies (Ireland)* [167].

Second Reading—Thames Embankment (Land)* [82]; Juries* [114]; Parish Constables Abolition* [97]; Tramways Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 4)* [155]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No. 2)* [158]; Cattle Disease (Ireland) Acts Amendment* [159].

Committee—Court of Chancery (Funds) (re-comm.) [43]—R.P.

Committee—Report—Charitable Trustees Incorporation (re-comm.)* [120].

Considered as amended—Parliamentary and Municipal Elections [139–160]; Infant Life Protection* [146–161].

Considered as amended—Third Reading—Metropolitan Commons Supplemental* [143], and passed.

Third ReadingIrish Church Act Amendment* [87], and passed.